Downtown Davis Islands Creative Branding Session // The Walker Family

Danielle reached out to me initially to get new updated branding and headshots! What I didn't realize was how quickly we would become friends. Her sweet husband, Samson, and baby boy Silas came along too. She is also another amazing local photographer and I adore working with other creatives who have their own unique dreams and visions. It is such an honor to see their vision come alive!! Danielle, I can't wait to see your new website when it is done :)  Until then here are a few of my favorites from their session on Davis Island. Also, Danielle's skirt is absolutely amazing <3

Davis Island Mini Session//The Boney Family

Meet the Boney Family!! This family is so near and dear to our hearts!! We get to serve alongside Anna and Bradford every Monday night at YoungLife and we are so thankful for them! Thank you for the blessing you have been to us. Here are a few of my favorites :)

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St Pete Beach, FL Family Session // The Peterson Family

This past Friday morning I got to meet the cutest family from Arizona!! They were in town for vacation and wanted family portraits on the beach. Conner, Ryan, and Gavin are the cutest and we had so much fun together during their session. Gavin had just turned one so we had to grab a few shots just of him. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and Disney World!!

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Hyde Park Bayshore Family Session // The Rising Family

I had the privilege of photographing the Rising Family a few weeks ago and let me tell you, they are so adorable. Carter is two and has so much energy! I loved being able to play and chase him around while capturing him in his element. We started in Hyde Park and ended on Bayshore which made for some really beautiful backdrops. The sweetest part of this session is that Mary Elise shared with me that they are expecting another addition to the family in October!! I am just so excited to meet baby Rising and watch them grow. Thank you for choosing me to document this special season! 

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New Tampa Newborn Session//The Pickett Family

Emily and Robert are proud new parents to baby Eli, a sweet, healthy, and growing baby boy! You may recognize them from their bayshore maternity session here. Eli's fox themed nursery completely stole my heart. It truly was absolutely adorable. Luke is already an amazing big brother and so proud of Eli. Here are a few of my favorites from Eli's newborn session! 

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South Tampa 6 Month Nursery Session// Jack Fisher

I mean, come on... I don't know if I have seen a cuter little boy's nursery. Every little detail was so cool and Jack was just as content as he could be in his precious home! The pops of gold, blue, and white is just so beautiful to me!  Jack's bright blue eyes will stop your heart and he has the most charming smile. We started the session in his nursery and then ended on Bayshore! Happy 6 months Jack! You are so loved. 

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Tampa Skyline Anniversary Portraits// Hayden, Shannon, and Zion

Y'all!! Hayden and Shannon (aka our sweetest friends) are officially back in Tampa and doing incredible things for the Lord. Hayden is the new student pastor at Christ Community Church and we couldn't be more excited to support them in this new chapter. We took some fun roof top shots for their moving announcement and like usual they are complete naturals in front of the camera and the most hipster couple I know ;) Meet the newest addition to the Roberts family, Zion their pup! He is adorable as well! We love y'all!! Excited for lots of frouple dates in the future! 

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Ballast Point Park Tampa, FL Family Session// The Marcus Family

When Hana reached out to me that all of her family would be in town which included 4 generations, I just thought how special this would be to document for them! She wanted to surprise her family with such a thoughtful, meaningful photography session as a gift to them! It was so fun to see how excited everyone was about the "surprise" when I got to Ballast Point Park. They are a family marked with years of laughter, love, and joy! 

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Straub Park Downtown St Petersburg // The Toomey Family

I adored getting to meet the Toomey Family during the rush of the holiday season. Everyone meet Matt, Jess, Erin, and Murphy (their precious lab). We met in St Petersburg in Straub Park. I had never actually been there before but it was such a pretty location and beautiful weather! Miss Erin and I sure did become fast friends as I held a stuffed animal on my head while shooting and was pulling out every trick in the book to make her look at the camera and smile! Hey, anything for the shot right?! 

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Oxford Exchange & University of Tampa// The Kaufman Family

It was such a honor to photograph this family because Aaron is a talented photographer and I always consider it a privilege to work with another photographer. They have also been some of  my biggest cheerleaders (whether they knew that or not!) I left this session encouraged and blessed that I get to do what I love and document life & family that is raw and real! The light couldn't have been more perfect this day and I adored watching their family interact. It is so clear how much they love each other and love the Lord. 

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South Tampa Newborn//Luke Hayes

My heart was in a puddle after I took these images. I think the whole world stops when a newborn smiles!  Later in the session, Luke started to get a little fussy, and my heart melted again when Daniel got out his guitar and started playing a worship song. Luke stopped crying immediately and there was a peace that fell over the room. Everyone relaxed and Luke just watched his dad....

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Westshore Yacht Club// The Fisher Family

First of all, if you have never had the honor or meeting the Fisher family, man they are a breath of fresh air. I met Hanna first through our student ministry and then met Emma and Chad through other church events. They are so full or life and their story is incredible. We are blessed to know y'all!

Second of all, This is definitely the most nautical session I have ever done, and I loved every minute of it. When Emma asked me if I would be willing to get into knee deep water to capture her family in their element, on the water, I was completely up for the challenge....

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Davis Island Yacht Club// The Donnelly Family

Oh how I loved getting to meet the sweet Donnelly Family! Jordan and Jim sure did make a cutie pie! We met at the Davis Island Yacht Club and got some beautiful pictures right before sunset! William is one year old and already his personality is shining through. He was constantly smiling and loved when his parents would swing him in the air! Happy Birthday, bud! :)

To book your family session contact me here!

Love, Annabeth


Charleston, South Carolina// The Cordray Family

Meet my family (part 2)!! Over thanksgiving break I was able to make some images for both of my sister-in-laws and their ADORABLE families. I mean we might be biased but we have the cutest nephews and nieces in the world :) Meet Kenneth, Kristin, Trenham, Rhett, and Folwer (aren't those the coolest names ever?!) I

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Charleston, South Carolina// The Poston Family

Man oh man! Where do I even begin? Meet my family y'all! Over thanksgiving break I was able to make some images for both of my sister-in-laws and their ADORABLE families. I mean we might be biased but we have the cutest nephews and nieces in the world :)  

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