Day 3 &4 Florence, Italia

Florence Day 3&4

Once we arrived in Florence we quickly realized that we were not in small quaint town anymore, but in fact in a huge city with lots of cars and people. One of my first memories of Florence was walking up to the Duomo (the main cathothic church of Florence) and just being in awe of how massive and beautiful it is. The Duomo is located right in the heart of the city and can be seen from any street corner. That night before dinner we did a Rick Steves audio tour of Florence, grabbed dinner, and had some amazing gelato afterwards while seeing the Duomo lit up at night. 


The next morning we woke up bright and early put on our walking shoes and started ourfirst tour of academia to see Michelangelos sculptures, specifically David. And let me tell you he is massive. Way bigger than what I was expecting to see. The history of Michelangelos David and all of his sculptures are really cool. During the audio guide that we listen to while were there we learned that Michelangelo sculpted the statue to represent David of the Bible and his right hand is larger than his other to represent God's hand going with David to kill Goliath. The detail is incredible on every single sculpture I just was amazing to see how talented Michelangelo really was. 

We grabbed lunch at a rooftop patio overlooking the city, then made our way back to the Duomo and climbed a ton of stairs to the top of the baptistery tower and saw the inside of the church. It was such a beautiful view and worth the extra steps!

The final art gallery we toured was the Uffizi Gallery. There is so much history and art here that it was a tad overwhelming, but really neat to see the famous paintings such as the Mone Venus.

We got back to the hotel to shower then walked to dinner at the coolest wine bar. We had dinner at the most amazing restaurant called Signorvino that had an incredible view looking over the Ponte Vecchio Bridge. This is one of my favorite moments from Florence. Here are a few of my fav images from this night 💕. 

Isn't that view amazing at night?! See you on our day trip to San Gimignano next! :) 
