Fripp Island: June 2015

One of the coolest things Chase and I found out about each other while we were dating is that for our entire lives both of our families have been vacationing at the same beach! Such a small world right?  Fripp Island has its own special kind of southern, secluded charm to it. Once you arrive onto the island you only drive your car if you are leaving the island. Everyone else drives golf carts, or rides bikes. There is an over population of deer on the island and they sure aren’t afraid of you. In fact, they want you to feed them haha! It is so special because this is actually where Chase proposed to me!


But this summer we went back to spend a week with Chase’s family. Here are a few of my favorites! We have 4 nephews and 2 nieces that are truly the most precious kids you ever did see! We got a lot of good quality aunt and uncle time with them :)