Dominican Republic Day 1

For those of you who haven't heard I recently have taken a part time job serving as the High School Ministry Assistant for our church here in Tampa called South Tampa Fellowship. One of my first jobs was being in charge of planning this trip to the Dominican Republic for 46 students, which has humbled and stretched me in the best way possible! I wanted to share some of what we experienced while we were there, just to share with people and serve as a reminder to me of how God moved in incredible ways on this trip. Slowly I want to try and  make sure these stories make it to the blog. I figured it would be easiest to break it up day by day! We arrived to the Dominican Republic on Saturday afternoon. After we had made it through the airport and through customs, we had about an hour bus ride to our hotel.  We managed to arrive at our hotel just in time to catch the most incredible sunset over the ocean. DR is truly a beautiful island with crystal clear water, beautiful beaches, and tropical plants. That night we got to meet Kenneth and his wife Valerie, the missionary team we would be partnering with for the next week. They are incredible and have such a heart for the Dominican people. Kenneth cast the vision to us of what the next week would look like and how he wanted us to help partner with him!  Here are a few pictures from the first night! Stay tuned for more :)

